M-RETS Now Accepts Exports from ERCOT

M-RETS announces that it now accepts exports from ERCOT! M-RETS supports open and transparent markets. If your current system does not have import/export with M-RETS, please contact them and ask them to establish a connection.

The rules governing the Texas Renewable Energy Credit Trading Program do not provide a directive on exporting or importing files with other REC Trading Programs. Reasons to retire a REC in the Texas REC Trading Program include mandatory (compliance with the RPS mandate), voluntary and expired (still in the trading program when the REC reaches end of life). The Texas REC Trading Program does not export the REC, and any use of a REC retired in the Texas REC Trading Program by another REC Trading Program would be subject to that Trading Programs rules.

In 2018 ERCOT added a process whereby Account holders can identify the reason for retiring a REC by adding an optional field where an Account holder could leave the field empty or enter “green-e” or “export”. To complete an export to M-RETS, the ERCOT Account holder must enter in the empty field, “Export to M-RETS” along with the date of the transaction. For example, if the export is initiated on October 1, 2018, for M-RETS to process the Export the field must read, “Export to M-RETS effective 10/01/2018.”

A full walk-through on the Export process can be found in our Intercom platform here.