Added: “Province” to Location Field Text
- Included “Province” term to State/Province dropdown List on the Add Generator Form and Organization Registration page
API Update: Change “fuel” field to “generator_fuel_id” in the Generation Entries POST.
- Users can get the generator fuel ID from the /generator_fuels endpoint
"fuel_allocation": [{ "mrets_id": "M11111", "allocations": [{ "generator_fuel_id": "12345-6789-abcde”, "allocation": 0.5 }, { "generator_fuel_id": "other-id-12345-6789”, "allocation": 0.5 }] }]
Improved: Updates were made to the new Balancing Authority and Interconnected Utilities dropdown menus.
Fixed: General minor bug fixes to improve user experience
Work was done to support future interest in etags. Reach out to [email protected] if you have questions about etags.