

Female technician using laptop to analyze server in data center

Innovative digital environmental tracking solutions

M-RETS® drives and delivers innovations in environmental attribute tracking to support markets for clean energy resources and other commodities.

Validating the environmental benefits of developing technologies

M-RETS is paving the way to track the environmental attributes and benefits of emerging technologies in the carbon-free economy. M-RETS pairs transparent and verified data with global energy models and standards to validate these products.

Supporting clean energy programs

The M-RETS tracking platform powers North America’s standard-setting clean energy programs, including:

  • Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS)
  • Independent Electricity System Operator (Ontario)
  • Nova Scotia
  • Washington Clean Fuels Program
  • Oregon Clean Fuels Program

Tracing the impact of energy storage

M-RETS is revolutionizing renewable energy tracking with granular certificates, providing hourly data for a more accurate picture of renewable energy utilization. This aligns environmental benefits with real-time consumption patterns to boost efforts toward achieving carbon neutrality.

Additionally, integrating storage into the system aligns energy supply with demand, irrespective of the variability in renewable energy generation. This facilitates efficient clean hydrogen production by precisely matching clean energy with hydrogen RTC issuance.

By combining these innovations, M-RETS is driving a more transparent, reliable and efficient renewable energy market, paving the way for a sustainable energy future.


Advancing emissions tracking

M-RETS is working with stakeholders on pilot projects to integrate emissions tracking by 2026, enhancing Scope 2 emissions reporting for market participants. This will allow for precise tracking of indirect emissions from purchased electricity, increasing transparency and accuracy. The initiative supports companies in making more informed renewable energy purchases by clearly understanding their energy procurement’s environmental impact.

M-RETS’ detailed tracking facilitates a closer alignment of consumption with renewable generation, advancing sustainable energy markets and enabling more accurate emissions accounting across different greenhouse gas reduction strategies.