
Renewable electricity

Tracking and Managing Renewable Electricity

We blend open data and transparency with a simple user experience to drive value and create greater access for generators, utilities, and marketers. The M-RETS platform provides environmental and economic benefits to generators across North America by issuing tradeable certificates as RECs and AECs.

Our Renewable Electricity Tracking Services

We devote a team of full-time engineers and designers to continually improve the user experience of our tracking system.

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Capture Environmental Value for Clean Generation
  • Allows clean and green generators to access an additional revenue stream or “green” premium
  • Ensures more liquid commodity pricing
  • Reduces transaction costs for generators and suppliers
Simplify Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) Reporting and Compliance
  • Introduces administrative and cost efficiencies
  • Unbiased third-party verification
  • Addresses data confidentiality concerns
Marketers / Brokers
  • Ensures increased market liquidity
  • Provide your customers an opportunity to benefit from renewable energy in the region
  • Leverage an easy to use, proven platform that enables tracking and trading of credits

How M-RETS Renewable Electricity Works

M-RETS facilitates REC markets by issuing a unique, traceable digital certificate (i.e., one REC) for every megawatt hour (“MWh”) of verified renewable energy recorded on the platform. Once issued, M-RETS users can choose to transfer (buy/sell), retire, import or export RECs. M-RETS users can retire certificates either to comply with regulatory mandates or to fulfill their voluntary commitments.

M-RETS can register projects across North America and will support imports and exports with any compatible registry in North America.

Our Platform

The M-RETS platform can track environmental attributes used for voluntary claims across North America.

Learn More About M-RETS


Eligible generation for compliance purposes may be located in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Ontario, Texas, Wisconsin and the Canadian province of Manitoba.


Renewable generation is defined as energy generated by a facility that is considered renewable as defined by any state or province. The M-RETS System will issue one electronic M-RETS Certificate for each MWh of energy that is generated by registered generators. To prevent double-counting, generators participating in M-RETS must report 100% of their generation. In addition, M-RETS will consider tracking nonrenewable generation in the future.


Participation in M-RETS is voluntary, although a state or provincial regulator may designate the M-RETS platform as the tracking system to account for their regulatory program. Any party, including non-generators, such as traders, marketers and end-use customers, may establish an account in the system.


M-RETS delivers data verification services to foster transparency and trust in environmental markets. M-RETS collaborates with regulatory bodies and program administrators to validate eligibility claims in states, provinces or voluntary initiatives that participate. These claims are validated by examining certification documents provided by regulators or program administrators. Regulatory entities can then utilize the data verified by M-RETS to determine program compliance.

Approved Green-e Energy®Tracking with M-RETS

Green-e Energy® certified products require renewable energy tracking through approved systems like M-RETS, which simplifies managing your portfolio of renewable assets across North America. To find out more information about Green-e Energy and Green-e certified projects, visit here.

California facilities may require extra verification for Green-e certification through the Center for Resource Solutions (CRS). For more information, please contact CRS at [email protected].

Mountain Creek Through a Green Forest on a Rainy and Foggy Spring Day

Transparency & Data Integrity

We advocate for open and transparent markets. Through our advanced API, the M-RETS® system facilitates imports and exports with all compatible REC tracking systems across North America. If your existing system lacks an import/export connection with M-RETS, we encourage you to contact your provider to initiate the establishment of a link.

M-RETS is a verification service that ensures the reliability of generation data and environmental attributes. To prevent any perceived conflicts of interest with market activities, it does not function as a marketplace or exchange. Instead, the M-RETS API supports integrations with third-party marketplaces. The API’s Markets feature includes mechanisms to encumber certificates and safeguard against duplicate claims when they are listed on a third-party marketplace.

  • To register a generating unit in M-RETS, an account holder must attest that the unit is not registered in any other registry.
  • To substantiate renewable energy claims, M-RETS defines a REC as a “whole REC” and includes all environmental attributes.
  • To prevent double-counting, M-RETS requires the reporting of 100 percent of the output from a registered unit.
  • M-RETS sources the vast majority of this data from meter readings of the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO).
  • When using a Reporting Entity is not possible (e.g. MISO, SPP, or third party QRE), M-RETS relies on subscribers to self-report generation data. M-RETS has implemented additional verification tools to ensure every reported MWh is feasible and consistent with historically reported data.


Our Reach

Eligible generation for compliance purposes may be located in Arkansas, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin and the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario.

Starting with vintage 2018 generation, the M-RETS platform tracks environmental attributes used for voluntary claims in all states, provinces and territories in North America. M-RETS is an independent non-profit organization, making it unique amongst REC or energy tracking systems in the U.S.

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RECs 101

Learn more about RECs by watching this short video produced by the Center for Resource Solutions.